Kids Rising to the Challenge


As another semester has begun, your students, their friends, their teachers, and YOU are embarking on another "unconventional" semester. We are living in unprecedented times. And I daily am in awe of the power, bravery, and courage your families are exhibiting. 

This season of learning, let's not focus on the hardships our kids and families have had to endure, but let's celebrate the joy for the exponential growth our kids have experienced, all the power they have conjured, and the perseverance that our kids have found in their souls that they didn't even know they had! Through struggle, warriors have emerged! Though we all know COVID has wreaked havoc on our world in so many ways, a positive we can focus on is that our children are redefining bravery. They aren't just being brave. THEY ARE REWRITING THE DEFINITION OF BRAVERY. We can only imagine what COVID looks like through a child filter. It's frightening through our adult eyes, and we cannot even imagine what our kids’ quiet, internal perspectives are whispering to their spirits. Through the struggle, our kids are rising to the challenge! COVID will never be something good, but we can find something good in everything. I can't help but celebrate your children's mindsets today and for the future they are creating; these courageous children are going to have extra empathy for others as adults, they are going be more aware of the importance of being vocal about their beliefs, and from their experiences through this trial, they are going to lead our grandchildren and great-grandchildren with power and bravery, a bravery they are redefining right now. 

As a representation of that power, one of our extraordinary VGK students and her helpers have created a video that represents 10 ways we can persevere through this next semester of virtual and hybrid learning and have a mindset of togetherness and power. Our students are looking to us for how they might navigate this next semester that they will emulate, and then they will take that and create their own definition of what it means to be a citizen in our world. Let's not waver in our resilience, let's be relentless in our positivity, let's continue to be stalwart in our mindset of seeing things through the eyes of a child in our reactions and responses, and let's be mirrors of perseverance for our students! 

We introduce to you the VGK version of Hamilton's, "The 10 Duel Commandments".

We hope you enjoy! We've got this! Together.

Jennifer Payne